Have a question for us? Text us at 66746 then start your first message with the keyword askmylib, insert a space, then type your question and press "send."Example: askmylib What r your hours?
What kind of questions should I ask?Use Text A Librarian for quick questions up to 160 characters or less. If we respond in more than 160 characters, it will appear in 2 messages. If you have a lengthy research question, please call or email us.
Hours for Texting:Monday through Thursday: 9am-9pmFriday & Saturday: 9am-5pmSunday: ClosedQuestions sent outside of library open hours will receive an automatic response and be answered the next day.
What is Text a Librarian?Text a Librarian is a service which enables you to use the text message feature of your mobile phone to send questions to and receive answers from Henderson Libraries.
What do I need to use the service?To use the service, you need a mobile phone which is enabled to send and receive text messages
What does the service cost?The library does not charge for this service, but charges from your cell phone provider may apply. These charges vary among plans and among telephone providers.The library does not take any responsibility for any charges your mobile phone provider may assess you for sending or receiving messages while using this service.
Do I always need to include askmylib at the beginning of my questions, and when I reply to a message you've sent to me, do I need to include askmylib?No. You only need to include askmylib for the first question you send to us.
Text a Librarian is private and secure:
Our text-to-chat service (Mosio) assigns a random User ID number to each patron.
Your phone number is never visible to us at any time.
Your phone number is not accessible by us. stion and we'll text you back!
Our text-to-chat service (Mosio) assigns a random User ID number to each patron.
Your phone number is never visible to us at any time.
Your phone number is not accessible by us. stion and we'll text you back!
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